Oral Cancer
Oral Cancer. Those are two words that every dentist hopes that they will never have to say to a patient through out their entire career. Oral cancer kills one American every hour of every single day. More than 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed every year worldwide. Fortunately there is a 90% survival rate if the cancer is caught early. When you come to the dentist for your regular check-up, you are being screened for oral cancer. Oral cancer screenings take into consideration several risk factors, including the use of tobacco and alcohol, diet, age, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and infection with certain human papilloma viruses (BOW) If you have any sores or bumps in your mouth our lips that do not heal within a two week period, it is important that you visit your dentist immediately.
There is a brand new Website that has been developed for consumers that show people how to do a self-examination for oral cancer. Please refer to the "Link" area of this Website to learn more. We believe that this is the new standard for fighting oral cancer.